
Hannah KatsmanHannah Katsman, author of A Mother in Israel.

I grew up in a traditional Jewish home in the US, and immigrated to Petach Tikva, Israel, in 1990.  A Mother in Israel is where I share my knowledge, experience and opinions as an Orthodox mom of six on parenting, education, Judaism, writing, women’s issues, Israeli baby names, and adjusting to life in Israel. But more than anything else, A Mother in Israel is a community. The action is in the comments–feel free to share your thoughts as well.

I am also a lactation consultant (IBCLC) and frequently write about breastfeeding issues. If you need a phone or in-person conversation, here is my Facebook page.

You can find me on Twitter (@mominisrael), where I was ranked #5 by the JTA among the most influential Jewish twitterers for 2010. Find us on Facebook, too.

I also invite you to check out my website devoted to efficient cooking techniques, CookingManager.Com.

Note: When writing about a book or product, I sometimes include affiliate links that send a portion of the proceeds from sales back to me. I do not receive compensation for reviews unless otherwise noted.

I am committed to upholding the World Health Organization Code for Marketing Breastmilk Substitutes. I use this list by Lauren Wayne to block Google ads shown to readers in Israel and other countries. If you see a formula ad, please send me the internet URL of the ad so that I can block it as well.

What they say about A Mother in Israel:

Liza: “Insightful, well-written posts that help me to think outside of my own box.”

Jewlicious: “[A Mother in Israel] is interesting, informative and amusing.”

Concetta: “You have a great writing style and even though you’re in Israel, your subjects could be great topics anywhere in the world.”

Raizy: “Brings up new topics that no one else is talking about.”

Jill: “Fantastic blog–real flavor of life in Israel.”

Frugal Dad‘s Top 50 Frugality Blogs: “. . . frugal insights for leading a kosher life.”

Leora: “Star of the Jewish women bloggers.”

Ima2Seven: “Tips on Staying Home and Staying Sane . . . is the best advice distilled.”

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  1. […] I visited Rutgers Gardens with my friend Hannah Katsman. I don’t know the name of these delightful purple flowers, but I nicknamed them pom pom […]