My friend Yael Levy just published a novel called Brooklyn Love, based on the "shidduch scene" in Brooklyn. According to the Kirkus review: "The novel begins at a chatty smorgasbord before a prearranged Orthodox wedding; Levy makes the occasion as effective as an Edith Wharton ballroom scene, using … [Read more...]
What Are the Gift-Giving Customs in Israel?
Several years ago Parents Magazine contacted me about a story it was doing on parenting around the world. The inquiry led to What Defines Israeli Parenting, a raucous discussion, and a second highly charged post about Israeli "rudeness." Recently, a gift website asked me to help out for … [Read more...]
Help for Parents During Rocket Attacks in Israel
I've been catching up after my trip and am still absorbing the fact that Israel is at war again in the south. My sons, who have finished their army service, have not been called up for reserve duty. We've talked within the family about what to do in case of a warning siren. We've heard some booms … [Read more...]
My Family Visit to Bogota
Seven flights, eight airports, four languages, four currencies and four continents. I just returned from Bogota and Medellin, Colombia, where I attended the Latin American Breastfeeding Conference. Even though my Spanish was poor, I managed not to come down with typhus, yellow fever, malaria, … [Read more...]
Single Religious Woman Harvests Her Eggs
Tziporah, an Israeli 35-year-old single religious woman, decided to harvest some of her eggs in case she decides to start a family later on when her eggs might be less viable. Tzi-Porah, the title of her blog, is a play on the Hebrew word porah, meaning fertile. In a recent post, she writes … [Read more...]
Questions to Ask When Choosing a School for Your Children
This post originally appeared in January, 2009. Here is an update, including the original comments. When parents are choosing a school for their oldest child, they might imagine that they will find the perfect school. Compromise is more likely. But once you decide your priorities, you can go … [Read more...]
Shawl Cult Involved in Possible Kidnapping
Kikar Hashabbat, a haredi news site, reported the following story. Below is my translation, with a few notes. It started about 8 months ago, when a 19-year-old haredi woman disappeared from her parents' home. Two days later the parents located her by phone. The daughter explained that she was … [Read more...]
Have You Hugged Your Saya’at Today? Teacher’s Aides in Israel
One of the first lessons I learned when my kids started gan (Israeli preschool) is the importance of a good "saya'at," or teacher's aide. The saya'at prepares sandwiches, washes dishes, and cleans floors. She helps children in the bathroom. She cuts up construction paper. In her free time, she gives … [Read more...]
Reader: My Husband Has Doubts about Judaism
A reader writes: Hello, I am writing you to address an issue in my home. My husband and I were raised Jewish and have two young children. My husband has been seriously struggling lately with certain parts of our faith. Doubts such as these: Is there a personal G-d or not? Why pray to G-d if he has … [Read more...]
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