Tips for Coping with Strong-Willed Children

Reader Selena writes in a comment: "I’m currently dealing with a very (!) strong willed busy 3 yr old and trying not to use material rewards. I prefer using positive reinforcement as a tool . . . hugs and praise when she makes a good choice (i.e. use words or get help instead of lashing out on … [Read more...]

Last Days of Ozerow: My Father’s Holocaust Memoir

In the 1980's, my father, Ben Zion Wacholder, began writing a memoir of his World War II experience in Poland. Unfortunately we only have two chapters, as the rest was on a computer that got stolen. My niece, Shifra Goldenberg, edited the chapters with help from the family and published them on a … [Read more...]

Why My Haredi Friends and I Won’t Go to the Army

A couple of years ago Jewish American blogger Jill asked me to write about haredim and army exemptions. Then in April, a young haredi man left an anonymous comment on that post. I like the way that he appears open about his reasons, even though he seems to realize that  some appear … [Read more...]

Review: No Biking in the House without a Helmet

While their friends were counting down the days until their empty nest, Melissa Fay Greene and her husband Don Samuel realized they didn't feel "done" with having children.  They talked about another, but at 42 Melissa reluctantly decided that she was too old. After a surprise pregnancy and … [Read more...]

New-Old Israeli Health Ministry Statement Promotes Breastfeeding in Hospitals

Remember the law, misnamed "The Law to Encourage Breastfeeding?" Unfortunately that law had nothing to do with public health but everything to do with breaking exclusivity contracts between hospitals and formula companies so that new brands could get their foot in the door. This was presented as … [Read more...]

My Interview with a Mom in a Wheelchair

Ariela Gordon-Shaag has been a loyal blog reader and commenter for years. She wrote a guest post on breastfeeding and working, and I interviewed her at Cooking Manager. I met her mother once without realizing who she was, and know a bunch of her cousins. But I haven't yet met Ariela. A couple of … [Read more...]

What about the Children of Tomorrow? Report from the President’s Conference

Last week I pretended to be a celebrity, thanks to an invitation to the President's Conference--Tomorrow 2012 at Jerusalem's Convention Center. The conference brought together world-class experts in politics, finance, publishing, technology, communications, and Jewish thought from all over the … [Read more...]

Hyper-Modest Abusive Mother of 12 Released

Bruria Keren, the mother of 12 who encouraged followers to cut the heels off their shoes, cover themselves from head to toe and refrain from speaking for set periods of time (taanit dibur), will be released from jail on Sunday. She served a four-year sentence for abusing her children, including one … [Read more...]

Do Children Need (External) Rewards?

Reader Leah asks: Where do you stand on rewarding children? Do you think it's a good idea to reward children for positive behavior, or for refraining from negative behaviors? Disclaimer: I am sharing my own personal views. Take what works for you and your family, and leave the rest. When my … [Read more...]

The Zen of Public Breastfeeding

Please welcome today's guest post by Miriam Kresh. Let it be said yet again: a woman can breastfeed in public with total modesty. Even in the middle of a bustling Middle-Eastern open-air market. Honest. I saw it myself last week in the local shuk. The scene was so modest as to be almost … [Read more...]