Reader Nati asked me whether I knew of a downside to participating in the education ministry's new schoolbook borrowing plan. Parents have been complaining about the high cost of schoolbooks as long as I've had kids in school. The books get pricier every year, the schools change curricula … [Read more...]
Pre-Shavuot Links: Cellphone Rate Calculator, Chassidic Women, Recipes, Interviews
In honor of Shavuot, enjoy this video The Land of the Seven Species sung by Chani Livneh. See the Hebrew lyrics here. And now for the links: Parent Network interviewed me in honor of Mother's Day. When they asked for advice for new parents, I said that moms should breastfeed until age six. … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding Preschoolers: Not Sensational at All
The caption on the Time Magazine cover under a mom breastfeeding a large-for-his-age nearly four year old asked, "Are You Mom Enough?" I'm guessing you've already seen it, so I won't link. People who think breastfeeding is weird or should only be done privately were disgusted. Even many who … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Me? Pre-Cancerous?
This a guest post by reader Ruth. Two months ago, four months after giving birth to my second child, I went to the “lady doctor” to get a prescription—to delay producing baby number three if you get my drift! Lovely as they are, we need a gap! It was my first time with this doctor so she told me … [Read more...]
Why Can’t Breastfeeding Mothers Just Be Nice?
When someone posted a picture of a Jewish TV celebrity breastfeeding on the subway, it prompted a hot Twitter debate about whether breastfeeding in public is inconsiderate. Seeing a mother breastfeeding, even if nothing shows, makes some people uncomfortable. That feeling is unlikely to change, … [Read more...]
We Learned Not to Ask: Second-Generation Holocaust Story
Tonight and tomorrow we observe Holocaust Remembrance Day in Israel. A few weeks ago I listened to a moving podcast, The Suitcase by the Door, via American Public Media. APM interviewed Dr. David Wahl, a child of Holocaust survivors. Wahl's parents had some unusual habits, like requiring everyone … [Read more...]
Erev Pesach 2012: My Passover Mantra
This was the first year that I got through the Passover preparations without having a panic attack (so far at least). Last year I got up from shiva for my father about ten days before the holiday. So when it came to Pesach cleaning I kept telling myself, "Good enough." Since I usually find … [Read more...]
Deaf, Old or New? National Service Options for 12th Graders
Like most parents of 12th graders, I've been following along with my oldest daughter as she made her decisions about next year. Israel drafts both men and women at 18. Religious girls can get an automatic exemption from the army by signing a declaration at the rabbinate stating that they are … [Read more...]
Halberstam Defends Her Pro-Makeup Stance
I reread the Halberstam article about whether marriageable girls wear enough makeup, after reading a claim that it was satire. The parts about the greatness of her son including the Ph.D. he is aspiring to, and Ollie's hair straightening salon, were indeed over the top. Her hyper-sensitivity about … [Read more...]
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