Nachalaot Pedophilia: Yisrael Hayom Report

Update: An article in Tablet Magazine concludes that there is little evidence of a pedophile ring: Panic in Jerusalem Yisrael Hayom published this article about the children of Nachlaot. The residents of Nachlaot are anxious for it to be translated into English and published, and I have done so … [Read more...]

Unusual Israeli Baby Names

Readers from overseas come here to find out whether a Hebrew or Israeli name they have chosen "fits" here in Israel. I think that the parents who chose the following names would have been discouraged by readers. Some of the "weird" names suggestedby readers (via Facebook) are actually common, … [Read more...]

Nachlaot Pedophile Crisis: At Least 100 Victims (Updated November, 2012)

Update November 29, 2012: This article in Tablet Magazine examines the evidence and concludes that there is little evidence for pedophile activity, much less a ring. Panic in Jerusalem Update: Yisrael Hayom report Dear readers, I was planning to write a light post today, about unusual … [Read more...]

News and Links on Beit Shemesh

Since the documentary aired last week (now updated with clearer subtitles), the girls of Orot in Beit Shemesh have been able to get to school with no problem. The publicity achieved its immediate goal. Whether it will work in the long term remains to be seen. Some of the haredi response has … [Read more...]

Channel 2 Documentary on Beit Shemesh School Battle

I had mixed feelings about translating and re-uploading this documentary about the school situation in  Beit Shemesh, which has been going on in September. There is a lot of anti-haredi feeling in the country right now, and I fear that it could get out of hand. However, we can't let people get … [Read more...]

Virtues of Virtual Relationships: Shiva and Social Media

I was sitting with my friend, T. at the shiva for her father. "I want you to write about this," she says suddenly. "I don't know how to write. I know you'll write something poignant, with humor, like you always do." We've taken care of the humor, at least. Here is the story. T. made aliyah as a … [Read more...]

Sderot Businesses Asked to Sign “Modesty” Contracts

I've written a lot about extreme modesty in women's dress and we always have this discussion about whether or not it is any of our business. At what point do we say "live and let live," and when do we begin to worry that these trends will affect us in our daily lives. Well, the time to worry is … [Read more...]

Rails to Trails: A Transformation to Freedom

The following is a guest post by Ayala Gordesky. Jerusalem has awakened in that last five or six years, recovering from the slump in tourism and during the first intifada. Visitors have returned to Jerusalem, enjoying the numerous fairs, concerts, and festivals. For the permanent residents, … [Read more...]

How I Saved NIS 3600 in 40 Minutes

This is a guest post by Talia Klein Perez.   Over the last year, our government passed laws that favor consumers, mainly canceling the high fines we have had to pay to leave one service provider for another. With the current formula, you pay 8% of your monthly bill times the number of months … [Read more...]

Best Hebrew Bloopers by New Olim

Last week I heard a woman describe her first visit to the yarkan (produce store) as a new olah (immigrant) in the early 70's. Everyone knew where the produce store was, because a swarm of flies could be seen from a distance. She brought along her teenage daughter for assistance, as the daughter had … [Read more...]