Planning Your Family Chanukah Party

Chanukah this year falls on Tuesday evening, December 20 through Wednesday, December 28. Please welcome Miryam Elisheva Segal for today's guest post.   My “family” Chanukah parties have taken many shapes over the years. Some were successes, some not, but we always had fun along the … [Read more...]

More Details Emerge about Veiled Women’s Cult

Tamar Rotem discussed the recent opposition to the cult of the veiled women in the Haaretz Friday weekly Hashavua. Even Haaretz calls them "Taliban women" only in quotes. She reviews the incidents of the last few weeks leading to a condemnation of the cult by the Edah Haredit: A 16-year-old … [Read more...]

Top 20 Israeli Baby Names for Boys, 2010

Yesterday I posted the most popular girls' names in 2010 from the Central Bureau of Statistics. Today the boys take a turn. I've decided to label them by their prominence in the haredi (H), secular (S), or national religious communities (NR). It's no surprise that many of the more popular names … [Read more...]

Top 20 Israeli Baby Names for Girls, 2010

Also see the most popular girls' names for 2012. In honor of the International Day of the Child, the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics published the 20 most popular baby names in 2010. Four of the top 5 names for girls are biblical (Noa, Tamar, Yael) or traditional (Shira). My husband … [Read more...]

Yediot Gives Platform to Shal-Wearers

Today's Yediot Aharonit "24 Hours" magazine has an "exclusive" letter from a 42-year-old cult member. The anonymous author sent it to a neighbor, whose husband delivered it to Yediot with the author's knowledge. The letter may be original and unpublished, but plenty of similar material is widely … [Read more...]

Anglo Immigrants: Arbiters of Social Rightness?

New reader Ruth Alfasi wrote to me to object to the discussion of whether Israelis are rude. She writes: Connecting Israelis with rudeness is, if not rude itself, and if not lacking derech eretz (good manners) , certainly culturally insensitive. We are here now, and as Jews we ought to give … [Read more...]

Flexible Maternity Leave: Good for Mothers, Babies or Employers?

The Neta Center (Women for Bettering Their Future) has proposed altering the laws surrounding maternity leave. Currently, maternity leave lasts for 14 weeks. If the mother has been working in the same position for the previous 10 months, she receives a monthly salary from the National Insurance … [Read more...]

Interview with Founder of Kayamamoms, for Single Religious Women Having Babies

Rusty Mike Radio interviewed Aviva Harbather, a founder of Kayamamoms. Kayamamoms was founded to help religious single women who are considering having babies on their own. The event discussed, with Rabbi Benny Lau, Rabbi Yuval Cherlow, a fertility doctor and a psychologist, took place on … [Read more...]

Mommy from Beersheva: “No Hate, War, or Politics”

Mommy from Beersheva, mom to Sarit, 4.5 and Aviv, 2.5, responded to my post earlier today on coping with rocket attacks: I guess so far we've been pretty lucky in keeping anxiety levels low.  I'm not sure if it's something we are doing "right" or blind luck. A few things that help us: We … [Read more...]

Helping Kids Cope with Rocket Attacks from Gaza

        Update:  Mommy from Beersheva responds. Thirty-nine rockets were volleyed on southern Israel last night from Gaza. One Israeli was killed, and several are hospitalized with light injuries. This picture, by Yogev Shlomovitz  of Ynet, and shows a rocket … [Read more...]