My brother-in-law, Aaron Katsman, published a book called Retirement GPS: How to Navigate a Secure Financial Future with Global Investing. He is offering a giveaway to a lucky reader. I asked him why the book would be relevant to Israeli readers. He replied that the suggestions in Retirement GPS … [Read more...]
Ex-Lev Tahor Members Tell of Abuse, Expulsion, Teen Marriage
The extremist Jewish group Lev Tahor has made it back into the news. The group is led by Rabbi Shlomo Helbrans, who was convicted for kidnapping in New York in 1994 and jailed for two years. Nathan Helbrans, son of Shlomo, left the group last year after reporting that his resistance to orders … [Read more...]
20 Top Israeli Baby Boy Names for 2012
The Central Bureau for Statistics recently published the top Israeli names in each sector for 2013. Today I'll review the top boys' names. See yesterday's post for the most popular Israeli girls' names. The list is similar to the list for 2010, except that Nehorai and Guy have been replaced by … [Read more...]
20 Top Israeli Baby Girl Names for 2012
See also: 20 Top Israeli Baby Boy Names for 2012 At long last, the Israeli Central Bureau for Statistics announced popular names for 2012. Today I'll review the top twenty names for Jewish girls. First, a word about trends. Remember how just a few years ago single-syllable names were all the … [Read more...]
Israelis Protest Breastfeeding Harassment
Check out my interview with Tel Aviv Radio by host Amir Mizroch, starting at 30 minutes. You can see the picture by Amir Schiby that I mention in the interview. Last month, a mother visited a Petach Tikva mall with her two small children. The baby got hungry. While the mother knew of a nursing … [Read more...]
Israeli Baby Girl Name Help November 2013
Two readers just sent inquiries about Israeli baby names. Can you help? Thanks for a great site! I am having quite a hard time with a baby name to be named after my grandmother Hedwig (Tzirel). I am comfortable using an H or I suppose a Z for the tzadi. We can't use Hannah... Do you know of … [Read more...]
Gas Mask Distribution Information
This post was originally published in 2011 but has been completely updated. With the threat of war, the home front command has a new phone number for gas mask distribution information: 104. There may be a long wait. You can also order home delivery, via the post office. Phone: *2237 or leave a … [Read more...]
Mother in Israel’s Guide to the Polio Vaccine Campaign
Israel lives with constant military threats. Lately we are dealing with an invisible threat, the polio virus, which has crossed our borders via Egypt. Polio was supposed to have been eliminated by now, through aggressive vaccination. One of the most dangerous strains is already extinct. But partly … [Read more...]
Mothers and Fathers, 2013
The blog post below was written in Hebrew by Esther Pelled, author of the blog Unedited. She is responding in part to a report on Channel Two News last Saturday evening, which claimed that the Israeli health ministry puts too much pressure on women to breastfeed. Thanks to Julie Rosenzweig of … [Read more...]
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