A reader writes: Hi Hannah, I had a question in response to your last post about the formula options promoted by the Ministry of Health. I'm due to give birth to my third child in the next few weeks (in Jerusalem, G-d willing) by elective c-section. I exclusively breastfed both of my older … [Read more...]
New Mothers Get Choice — Between Two Brands of Breastmilk Substitutes
I once heard a bit of sales advice, let's say for shoes. After a potential customer has tried on two pairs, you shouldn't ask if he likes one or the other. Instead say, "Which pair of shoes do you prefer?" With luck, the customer will accept your assumption that he has already decided to buy at … [Read more...]
Reader: Should We Make Aliyah in the Middle of the School Year?
Please check out my blog post at Times of Israel, in honor of Yom Haatzmaut: The Good, the Bad and the Fantastic: 65 Surprising Things about Parenting in Israel. The post below also makes use of crowd-sourcing via the Mother in Israel Facebook page. A reader writes: Hi! I'm wishing to remain … [Read more...]
Fallen Soldiers with No One to Remember Them: Esther Koifman
Connecting with Yom Hazikaron, Israel's memorial day for fallen soldiers and terror victims, can be difficult for immigrants. Unlike most Israelis, immigrants may not know any families who have lost loved ones. So I was intrigued when my friend Deena Levenstein wrote about participating in a … [Read more...]
Return to the Western Wall, Passover 2013
Rahel Jaskow's photo essay on equality at the kotel, Separate and Unequal at the Western Wall, prompted much commentary. She decided to return with her camera over the Passover holiday to document any differences. Here is her report. Return to the Western Wall: Passover 2013 by Rahel … [Read more...]
The Last Night before the Hurban of Ozerow
In honor of Holocaust Remembrance Day, I am sharing this excerpt from my father Ben Zion Wacholder's memoir of the days before the deportation of the Jews of his town of Ozarow, Poland: No decision was taken by the family as to whether or not I should leave them until the eve of deportation. The … [Read more...]
Modern Israeli Baby Girl Names, April 2013
G. writes: I love your blog! especially the baby names sections but I wanted to ask for myself specifically. I am due to have a baby girl B'H at the end of the month and I am thinking of baby girl names that have a nice meaning, sound nice in English (I am from Australia), are a little … [Read more...]
Online Conferences, Passover Baby Names and Unequal Accommodations
I hope you have all had a wonderful Pesach. Aside from a tiyul or two, I've been busy preparing talks for two online conferences. I want to thank the many friends and readers contributed pictures that I used in the presentations. If you've never attended an online conference, you may wonder how … [Read more...]
On Passover and Daughters-in-Law
A year or two ago, the haredi magazine Yated published an article in its family section about the plight of the haredi woman in her forties. With a large number of children of different ages, she has to worry about shidduchim (match-making), teenage ups and downs, and elementary school issues. She … [Read more...]
Israeli Baby Boy’s Name Help
Free offer: I published an eBook, Cook Smart! Learn the Secrets of Your Kitchen Appliances. Today and tomorrow, it will be available for free download. If you don't have a Kindle you can get a free reader for your smartphone or PC. Reader Samantha asks for baby name help: Hi! I'd really … [Read more...]
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