Remember the law, misnamed "The Law to Encourage Breastfeeding?" Unfortunately that law had nothing to do with public health but everything to do with breaking exclusivity contracts between hospitals and formula companies so that new brands could get their foot in the door. This was presented as … [Read more...]
The Zen of Public Breastfeeding
Please welcome today's guest post by Miriam Kresh. Let it be said yet again: a woman can breastfeed in public with total modesty. Even in the middle of a bustling Middle-Eastern open-air market. Honest. I saw it myself last week in the local shuk. The scene was so modest as to be almost … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding Preschoolers: Not Sensational at All
The caption on the Time Magazine cover under a mom breastfeeding a large-for-his-age nearly four year old asked, "Are You Mom Enough?" I'm guessing you've already seen it, so I won't link. People who think breastfeeding is weird or should only be done privately were disgusted. Even many who … [Read more...]
Why Can’t Breastfeeding Mothers Just Be Nice?
When someone posted a picture of a Jewish TV celebrity breastfeeding on the subway, it prompted a hot Twitter debate about whether breastfeeding in public is inconsiderate. Seeing a mother breastfeeding, even if nothing shows, makes some people uncomfortable. That feeling is unlikely to change, … [Read more...]
Young Families in Israel Pay Twice for Formula Marketing
The Knesset economic committee met this week to discuss the law limiting formula marketing in Israeli hospitals. Last Friday, Haaretz published an article by Ruti Levi on the arrangements between formula companies and hospital maternity wards. Currently, the companies pay large sums in order … [Read more...]
New Barrier for Mothers: Don’t Feed Baby on the Bus
Update: See clarification below. The head of Beterem, the Israeli organization for child safety, has issued a warning that will strike fear into any young mother who relies on public transportation: Breastfeeding while riding on a bus puts your baby in danger. And bottle-feeding will likely to … [Read more...]
Whose Babies Are They Anyway? Breastfeeding Twins in an Israeli Hospital
Rachel Gurevich left a comment in response to the proposed law requiring parental consent for feeding formula to newborns. When I wrote to her about publishing it as a new post, she asked to expand it. What follows is quite harrowing. I included a few short comments. Rachel writes: The proposed … [Read more...]
Is the “Breastfeeding Doll” Tznius?
The breastfeeding doll has arrived in the US. First produced in Spain, it has become quite popular in Europe. The doll is made by Berjuan Toys, a company out of Spain. It comes with a special halter top that has two flowers where nipples would be. When a little girl puts on the top and … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding Basics with Christina Smillie
Many years ago I was asked to visit a new mother having trouble breastfeeding her baby. Not having much experience, I called a colleague for advice. The instructions she gave me for the mother went something like this: Sit in a straight-backed chair, with a pillow behind your back. Rest your feet on … [Read more...]
Breastfeeding in Synagogue Just Fine, Says Rabbi Aviner
I have written about breastfeeding in the synagogue many times, including a guest post on DovBear that earned over 200 comments. One of the main arguments against nursing in shul is that it is somehow improper—even though I've never seen a source prohibiting it. Eating is prohibited in shul … [Read more...]
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