Eight unrelated things about our Chanukah so far: Two of my teens went to the Bible Contest for adults, while the rest of us listened on the radio. My husband didn't like the fact that the answers assumed that King Solomon wrote all of Mishlei (Proverbs), when the verse in question (30:8) is … [Read more...]
Whatever Floats Your Wick: Chanukah Translation Confusion
We use floating wicks to light our Chanukah menorahs. Made of thin cork with aluminum foil glued on one side, they come with stiff wicks that get threaded through a hole in the stopper. We always run out of wicks before stoppers. But I digress. Some stoppers are round and some are hexagonal. You put … [Read more...]
Fun and Frugal Family Games for Your Chanukah Party
My family hosts the annual Chanukah party for my husband’s siblings and their children. Aside from frantically cleaning the house, I’m planning a short program. Almost everyone likes to play games, and they are a fun way to get to know my nieces and nephews. It’s not so easy to find a good party … [Read more...]
Easy and Inspiring Chanukah Craft Ideas
Please welcome Mara of Kosher on a Budget for today’s guest post. Her post on Sukkah decorations was extremely popular and I’m happy to have her back. Can you believe that Chanukah is less than two weeks away? It seems as though we just took down our sukkah and packed away all those … [Read more...]
State of the House: Erev Sukkot 2010
This is what's happening chez Mom in Israel: Household laundry is finished. Floor is washed, even though we won't be eating inside. Soldier son #1 is being picked at train station with two dufflebags of laundry. He has to go to Zichron for the day on Tuesday, followed by an obligatory … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Easy and Inspiring Sukkah Decorations
Wondering how you are going to decorate your sukkah*? Your worries are over! Please welcome Mara Strom of Kosher on a Budget for today's guest post on Sukkah crafts. And be sure to check out her site. I love Sukkot. Really, truly love it! I love watching my husband and sons build our … [Read more...]
Blogging Forgiveness for Yom Kippur
Blogging is all about communication and relationships: relationships with readers, commenters and other bloggers. Those relationships are important to me, and I haven't always nurtured them the way I should. So I'd like to ask forgiveness . . . For giving incorrect or misleading information, or … [Read more...]
Shanah Tovah 5771
Image via Wikipedia Check out the Rosh Hashanah Survival Guide for a last minute checklist. The beginning of the new year is a time to review and reassess. One son finished his advanced army training and is scheduled to be on leave from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur. "But don't count on … [Read more...]
Happy Jerusalem Day
Today marks the 43rd anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six-Day War. The last verse of this song was added by the song's author Naomi Shemer to mark the first time since 1948 that Jews could visit the remains of the Holy Temple in the Old City of Jerusalem. In this version … [Read more...]
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