Clock of the Summer

Everyone knows about cleaning for Pesach, but "after Pesach" presents a new set of challenges for the Jewish homemaker. As I write this around midnight on Monday, my Pesach and everyday dishes are back in their places, two loads of laundry are hanging, and while I can't say the house is shining, … [Read more...]

Pesach scenes

Like many Israelis, we have spent a good deal of our chol hamoed in traffic jams. As a diversion we spotted this girl, approximately four years old, standing halfway out the roof of a car nonchalantly driving through Bnei Brak traffic. We honked several times with no response. Enjoy the pictures … [Read more...]

Lazy mothering

I once had a neighbor whose children didn't like to take medicine, so she forced it down. If they threw up, she gave it again "so they would learn." It didn't matter whether it was a life-saving medication or a painkiller. Apart from my oldest, who stopped screaming at the excitement of seeing a … [Read more...]

Before and after: A teenage moment

The other day, my 15-year-old son's teacher caught him studying for a math test during the gemara shiur (Talmud class). He threatened not to let him take the math test, but my son asked if he could think of a different punishment. The teacher said, "Get a haircut and we'll talk." My silver-tongued … [Read more...]

Tipat Halav and Rugrats.

Today we visited Tipat Halav (lit. drop of milk), the well-baby clinic in our neighborhood. It was my five-year-old's final visit; they will soon transfer his file to the elementary school and he will get any further immunizations and checkups there (at least I hope so--the budget for school nurses … [Read more...]

Today I spoke to her.

Today we were invited to gan to shop in a store the kids had set up. My 3yo came with me this time. I bought a challah cover my son had decorated, and two cookies. The money went to tzedaka.I bravely approached this mother with my prepared speech. I had only seen her once before at the Chanukah … [Read more...]

Beyadeinu Or Va-eish — Fire and light in our hands

In the end I enjoyed my son's Chanukah party, despite getting ten calls from home on my cell-phone during the hour-long event. My son had a good time too. But while the other parents were admiring the display, I was checking for fire exits. I noticed that the windows in the gan had burglar-proof … [Read more...]

Post high-school decisions

In Israel the post-high school decisions take on a different flavor because of the obligation to serve in the army. There are essentially four options for observant boys. Hesder, a five-year program including 1.5 years of army service. Most yeshiva high schools aspire to send the majority of their … [Read more...]

Collective Gifts for Preschoolers–Yes or No?

I decided go to my daughter's class. It's true, as Sephardilady suggested in the comments, that I could meet the teacher another time, but I would like to see how the teacher and the school present themselves to the parents. So far they seem to have been doing a wonderful job and my daughter … [Read more...]