How Do Parents of Large Families Manage? Meet Tal and Talia

On Orthonomics a guest post about Orthodox homeschooling generated the following comment by "l": One problem that parents encounter is that in families where there are both older and very young children, the toddlers and infants often require many hours a day of the parents' care and leave little … [Read more...]

How to Avoid Speeding Tickets

Lion of Zion posted about a magazine he received entitled Gates of Chesed, consisting of articles about safety. One article called "Speeding Ticket Avoidance Tips" ought to consist of five words: Stay within the speed limit. Instead we find "Drive within 5-10 miles per hour of the surrounding … [Read more...]

Seat Belt Safety: It Won’t Make a Difference

Below is my message to the woman who wrote in the alon Olam Katan, complaining about the insensitive policewoman who "attacked" her and gave her an NIS 250 ticket because her 7.5-year-old passenger was not restrained in a carseat (and possibly not even in a seatbelt):If a child is injured or killed … [Read more...]

A High School in Israel

[Haveil Havalim is up at Shiloh Musings.]My daughter entered ninth grade this year. This year she has "the best teacher and the best class." She was able to request a number of friends, and they'll be together for the next four years.Her school has six grades, each with about eight classes of thirty … [Read more...]

From your education correspondent in Tel Aviv

"I'm a blogger," I told the young woman who asked for my name and ID at the press conference Sunday morning at the Likud Party Headquarters.The woman smiled.(I guess she knew that already. . .There I was, with Rafi, Carl, RivkA and her husband Moshe. [Lurker must have been lurking too much; I didn't … [Read more...]

Update on Keren case: Children to testify today

Thanks to Rafi for sending me this blurb from 24 Dakot, a local offshoot of Yediot.The sensationalist headline reads:Today: The Children against "Mother Taliban"Four of 12 children of the Beit Shemesh woman nicknamed "Mother Taliban" are expected to testify today at the trial in which she is accused … [Read more...]

Parents fly to France and forget 3-year-old in airport

Thanks to Jameel for sending me this story. Update: Super Raizy provides the link to the story in English at Haaretz.Parents flying on a summer vacation from Tel Aviv to France today left one of their children in the airport. Authorities found the child wandering, half an hour after the plane took … [Read more...]

Adventures in International Travel — Packing Light

Robin, this is for you. In my previous post I mentioned having brought one suitcase for our two-week trip to New York. It weighed 21 kg (about 45 lbs) and contained everything for the four of us, in addition to our hand luggage (also as light as possible).I knew I would be staying at my sister's and … [Read more...]

Modiin Mom Told to Nurse in the Changing Room

Yiska visited a mall in Modiin with her young baby. Here is her story:I was at the mall this morning with my 3-week-old daughter. While modestly nursing her, a security guard approached me and told me I shouldn't nurse in public, and that there is a changing room which I should use, "so everyone … [Read more...]

Teaching our children: Modeling is not enough

In my post Trusting Our Children, I wrote about things that children learn on their own. So what do we need to teach them?I hate to disappoint you, but I don't have the answers. I can't, because they will be different for each family. Leora will make sure her children appreciate art and can express … [Read more...]