My older sister, a long-time fan of this blog, sent me some suggestions for raising Orthodox girls (but they could apply to anyone) and challenged me to add a few of my own. Hers are marked with an asterisk.*Be educated and self-confident enough to know that you can support yourself if necessary.*If … [Read more...]
Do you wish you belonged to the "other" group?
Lily left a comment on a recent post suggesting that "working mothers" and "stay-at-home" mothers often wish they were in the opposite category. I know I occasionally fantasize about picking up a briefcase and closing the door behind me each morning, leaving someone else to deal with the mess and … [Read more...]
Trusting our children
One of the most valuable lessons I learned as a mother was about relinquishing control."Training" my children to do things before they were developmentally ready wasted time and emotional energy. How I regret those power struggles.Eventually I realized that there were many things I didn't need to … [Read more...]
Keren’s interrogation Part II
I changed the title because it was misleading; someone from the police leaked the transcript.Below is Part II of Maariv transcript of interrogation with hyper-modest mother of 12, in jail after being indicted for child abuse. Introduction; Part I.By Shmuel Mittelman and Ami ben David. … [Read more...]
Keren interrogation, Part I
I changed the title; the article is a transcript of the interrogation and was leaked to Maariv. The hyper-modest mother of 12 is in jail after being indicted for child abuse. Introduction is here. Part II.By Shmuel Mittelman and Ami ben David. 4/5/2008The detailed statements of the mother in her … [Read more...]
Bruria Keren in the news again
The veiled mother of 12 from Beit Shemesh, accused of abusing six of her twelve children, is in the headlines after after agreeing to interviews with reporters. Below is the text of the Ynet (Yediot) account in English There is also an extensive Maariv interview in Hebrew; I translated the first … [Read more...]
Rabbinic Advice: Abusive Parents
From the alon Komemiyut (You can download the original Hebrew here.) The column is entitled Adnei Habayit by R. Elyakim Levanon; this week's is entitled Horim Makim, Abusive Parents.Question: I'm a 22yo single, not living at home. When I visit I find it difficult to see my father berating my mother, … [Read more...]
The Lesson to be Learned from Keren and the Rest
I've had enough of the Keren story, at least for now. While gratified by the 1500 page views I received yesterday, I hope to attract visitors through my own writing on parenting, Israel, and the Jewish community. I'm still interested in the hyper-tzniut phenomenon, and I'll continue to provide … [Read more...]
Update–Suspected Abuser Confirmed to Be Keren
Haaretz confirms that Rabbanit Bruria Keren herself was arrested. I pretty much expected it, as the suspect's age and that of her children matched Keren's (even though the number of children was off). Also, the fact that the lawyer claimed that the whole thing was a conspiracy meant that the suspect … [Read more...]
Layered Beit Shemesh mother of 12 arrested for severe child abuse
According to news reports, a mother of twelve from Beit Shemesh was arrested for severely abusing her children, who were having incestuous relationships with one another in the home. The woman was covered in several layers of clothing and initially refused to reveal her face to the judge.Trilcat … [Read more...]
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