Happy Purim

Here's a recap of our Purim activities so far.1. Mishloach Manot. I think I spent more time agonizing over what to put into the Purim packages than I actually spent cooking. In the end I made individual "quiche-in-a-loaf." (Don't ask me how to make that plural. And don't ask me how to make it, … [Read more...]

Between Two and Four

What is the number one obstacle to remaining sane while raising small children in Israel? No, it’s not the cost of your child’s birthday party in gan.Shhh--I'm talking about the afternoon quiet hours. Ask any immigrant mother how she first learned about the rule requiring quiet between two and … [Read more...]

An Explosive Purim? *UPDATED*

An email has been going around containing a slide show about the dangers of mild explosives. The son of the producer was injured when caps exploded in his pocket.Thanks to Aidel Maidel for the technical help in embedding the document.The Jerusalem Post summarizes: [The JP, perhaps erroneously, … [Read more...]

Our English Story Hour

My town doesn't attract a large number of new English-speaking olim, having been eclipsed by Raanana, distant Beit Shemesh and Modiin. But we now have a new attraction--an English story hour.Our group consists of six or seven families. Some I knew before, and the rest met through our community's … [Read more...]

Basic skills for children

Over at Conversations in Klal, ProfK writes about whether children (read girls) should be taught basic homemaking skills. In The Fine Art of Being a Balabusta Part I, she concludes that there's no point teaching girls to sew because the women she knows sew do so mainly for pleasure. Working mothers … [Read more...]

Rabbi Yigal Ariel: We are cutting ourselves off from the Israeli public

Rabbi Yigal Ariel of Moshav Nov in the Golan Heights published a book about haredi trends in religious Zionist circles. Here are some comments from a Ynet interview:“While everyone else spoke of ‘disengagement’ we (Religious Zionists) spoke of ‘expulsion’. Instead of the ‘Amona evacuation’ we … [Read more...]

Learning to Lie

I've been too preoccupied to blog, so I invite you to read this excellent article from New York Magazine called Learning to Lie, summarizing recent research on lying. I found useful information for parenting both small children and teens.Hat tip: Serandez … [Read more...]

Adjusting to New Norms as an Israeli Parent

New immigrant Rachel is undergoing culture shock on behalf of her children. A friend once told me that I do my children a grave disservice by delaying their attendance in gan until they are 3, 4 or 5. She claimed that they need the gan experience in order to develop that tough exterior so useful … [Read more...]

Update on the jailed teenagers

A while back I asked, "Where are the parents?" Well, they've turned up, protesting the treatment their children received in jail.According to Arutz 7:The girls were held in jail for several weeks and were released after the courts caved in to public pressure. Soon after, the story of abuse and … [Read more...]

How to Raise Kids When Neglect is “Normal”

In response to my recent post about neglectful parents, Rachel writes: I just moved to Israel and I'm shocked that what I consider neglect and benign abuse is considered normal. And not doing it puts you in the category of "freier" [sucker] (which I consider a compliment because it is the type of … [Read more...]