I promised to write about the high school teacher's strike, which has been going on now for a month. We're lucky; my eleventh-grader is in a private school, and my eighth-grader has only one striking teacher (but it's her best teacher). Her large school has enough substitutes and non-striking … [Read more...]
Growing up in the middle
Yesterday I found a blog called Musings from a Square Peg. From the introduction:Recently I have begun questioning my assumptions and wondering if I should be Orthodox – and if so, what stripe. My parents, Jewish educators both, managed to imbue their children with their passion for Judaism. I feel … [Read more...]
"No Market for Used Teenagers"
I was surfing mommy-blogs last week when I spotted Around the Island, by an American-Israeli mother of two. (You'll have to visit to understand the title.) When the blogger, Robin, commented on my blog I recognized her email--we'd had an exchange about formula advertising that very morning. I've … [Read more...]
Six weeks late: Shalom Kitah Aleph
My son Y, 6, adjusted easily to kindergarten (gan hova) last September, and loved every minute. When I asked the ganenet (teacher) whether he was prepared for first grade, she dismissed the question with a wave of her hand. I see Y as the most even-tempered and least complicated of my children (not … [Read more...]
The Truth about Nursing in the Ezrat Nashim
Which of the following situations is disturbing, distracting, or inappropriate in shul? Cracking open a bag of Bamba for a toddler, who proceeds to distribute the contents around the shul Hansel and Gretel style. Shoving chairs right and left while pushing a monster stroller through the … [Read more...]
Nursing in the Negev, or Nursing in the toilet?
When I received an email from a distressed mother, criticized for nursing in shul, I assumed she lived in the US. Israelis tend to respect nursing mothers. But when I asked for permission to post, the mother said I should call her "Nursing in the Negev." Nursing in the Negev (NN) brought her baby … [Read more...]
Guest Post: Did the Tooth Fairy Come Yet?
Please welcome my 13yo daughter's first ever guest post. She took the pictures too.My little brother's tooth finally fell out today. I made him a box to put it in, which was supposed to be an envelope, except I forgot how to make them. I still remember some of my teeth that fell out. I was told, … [Read more...]
School Supply Survival Guide
How can six-year-olds can keep track of all this stuff? (Of course I know the answer.) For first-grade in Israel you need the discipline of a first-year recruit.School supply list:Ten 40-page notebooks "esser shurot" (10 lines), a math notebook, and ten plastic covers (not eleven?) If you can find … [Read more...]
Minimizing children’s pain
Treppenwitz posts about the common Hebrew expression used by parents when kids have minor scrapes:"Lo kara kloom," or "It's nothing." Since his blog decided to eat up my comments, I'm responding here."Lo kara kloom" is a way of comforting a child and sending him the messsage that everything is okay. … [Read more...]
Eight things about my visit to NY
Mama tagged me for the eight things meme. Even though I did it already and I'm still too jet-lagged to blog properly, below is a variation.I flew through Frankfurt (a decrepit airport, similar to Ben Gurion before they rebuilt it). When my 3.5yo heard that we were flying toward Germany, she … [Read more...]
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