Olim and daycare: Don’t lower your standards

I was listening to the Aliyah Revolution radio show as linked to from a comment on the Aliyah Blog. While discussing the economics of aliyah, the host and his guest gave an unrealistic view of daycare expenses in Israel.The host stated that daycare costs even more than university, but is still … [Read more...]

Tipat Halav and Rugrats.

Today we visited Tipat Halav (lit. drop of milk), the well-baby clinic in our neighborhood. It was my five-year-old's final visit; they will soon transfer his file to the elementary school and he will get any further immunizations and checkups there (at least I hope so--the budget for school nurses … [Read more...]

Starting a new school

When a new school opens, it usually involves a group of idealistic parents and educators. No matter what their hashkafa (religious/philosophical outlook), they are certain that this school will give each student individual attention and allow him or her to reach his/her full potential. And for a … [Read more...]

Today I spoke to her.

Today we were invited to gan to shop in a store the kids had set up. My 3yo came with me this time. I bought a challah cover my son had decorated, and two cookies. The money went to tzedaka.I bravely approached this mother with my prepared speech. I had only seen her once before at the Chanukah … [Read more...]

Help for Parents of Teenagers: Interview with Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch

Today we'll give babies and toddlers a rest and look at how to help our teens navigate adolescence. I've learned from personal experience that nagging and power struggles don't work. Even if such tactics result in the desired behavior, they our effectiveness in guiding teens through these critical … [Read more...]

M* Mitzva

The only Israeli formula company, M*, with the pseudo-scientific Latin sounding name, has been running a successful public relations campaign within the religious community in Israel for eight years now. They teamed up with a charity organization to collect used M* scoops and bags. For every four … [Read more...]

Kicking Ourselves in the Foot: Guide to Choosing a Religious Elementary School in Israel

It's that time of year, when parents are running around applying to elementary school. Most families only make the decision with their oldest, so they must consider carefully. In the religious Zionist school system, grade school options generally include: a) Government-sponsored, public … [Read more...]

Brit "fashlas"

In honor of West Bank Mama's "coming out" and Bec's son's brit, I'll tell what happened at the brit of WBM's oldest son back in the old country. Well, my husband thinks it happened at a different brit, but anyway. . . After the rabbi had named the baby and continued the passage that reads "zeh … [Read more...]

Close Spacing II: Fertility and Parenting Styles

Part 1: When Does Chinuch Begin? There is a direct connection between the type of parenting and child spacing. When the baby stays with his mother day and night, nurses on cue without bottles and pacifiers, starts solids gradually at about six months, and spends a good deal of his time either … [Read more...]

Child Spacing, Part 1: When Does Chinuch Begin?

I believe that mothers need at least a year, if not two, between pregnancies to recover from birth. Both the toddler and baby are also shortchanged with closer spacing. Each family is different and with a lot of help and support, along with an understanding of attachment and infant development, it's … [Read more...]