Recently, a baby from Missouri was was taken away from her parents and only returned after 57 days. A hospital nurse had decided that the parents, who were blind, could not care for their baby appropriately. [My father is legally blind. While that affected me in many ways, my mother was in … [Read more...]
Autism Diagnosis: Dreaming a New Dream
This is a guest post by Victoria Feinerman. When our son, Z, was 13 months old, we took him to the pediatrician. We were concerned that he had only learned a couple of words, never pointed to items of interest, and failed to look at things pointed out to him. The doctor replied that we should … [Read more...]
An Insider’s View of Tipat Chalav
"Nurse Yachne" shared the following in response to the post on Tipat Chalav: What Parents Need to Know. Tipat Chalav (well-baby clinic) policies are often imposed top-down. About twelve years ago when I was a school nurse, we all held meetings together with the Tipat Chalav nurses. A decision … [Read more...]
Tipat Chalav Survival Guide for Parents
On Twitter, @mrsroth mentioned how a nurse handed her 18-month-old a cup and spoon. The little girl started to "stir" with the spoon, but failed that developmental task because she was supposed to pretend to eat from the bowl. Everyone loves to complain about Tipat Chalav, the network of … [Read more...]
Orthodox Girls and Eating Disorders
The Washington Times published an article on eating disorders in the Orthodox Jewish community. Julia Duin writes: Staff members at Renfrew, where 12 percent of the patients are Jewish, said they noticed an uptick in Orthodox clients in recent years. The main pressure, they said, is on the … [Read more...]
Are Cribs a Safe Place for Babies?
During our discussion on the safety of co-sleeping, I pointed out that cribs carry risks as well. They are constantly being recalled. I'm not saying that putting a baby to sleep in a crib is riskier than co-sleeping. So much depends on the situation. Also, it's hard to gather accurate statistics, … [Read more...]
Should Co-Sleeping Be Outlawed?
Milwaukee wants to make bed-sharing illegal. This report looks at this complex reasons for and factors. According to this report, every case of a baby dying in bed in Milwaukee in the last year and a half had one common factor. Can you guess which one? Adult Drinking Other Children in … [Read more...]
Principal Threatens Student with Social Isolation
(This is a similar, but different case than the more highly publicized Emanuel case. That one made it to court.) When Israeli parents in the religious system talk about school choice, they say they want education according to their religious standards. But in every conflict, you find that the main … [Read more...]
Is Babywearing Unsafe?
My friend Hadassa Levy, a babywearing consultant, wrote this guest post in light of safety warnings connected to soft baby carriers. Israeli parents and caregivers are concerned and confused about babywearing, after a US consumer advisory warned that wearing your baby in a sling can lead to … [Read more...]
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