Image via CrunchBase The other night I went to a talk at my daughter's high school by Dr. Meyran Boniel-Nissim. Boniel-Nissim is a Haifa University researcher on teen internet usage and its psycho-social connotations. In the old days, teens had to get out of the house to get into trouble. … [Read more...]
Toddlers and Weight Gain
Last week I posted about a child put in foster care because the parents refused to follow medical advice to fatten him up with junk food. When experts also failed to increase his weight, the authorities admitted that the parents weren't the problem and the family was reunited. Over the years I've … [Read more...]
Walking to School on Their Own
I’ve been reading Free-Range Kids at the recommendation of Sylvia-Rachel. Author Lenore Askenazy, head of the Free Range movement, is one of the Forward 50 Influential Jews of 2009 and was interviewed this week by both Time Magazine and CNN. The premise of her book and blog is that parents stifle … [Read more...]
The Safety Class
A number of years ago Emunah, a women’s organization with charitable projects including a chain of daycare centers, offered an 8-session course in child safety to its employees and volunteers. Since I had small children and worked with new mothers, I decided to try it out. Like many programs in … [Read more...]
In Defense of Israeli “Rudeness”
My post, What Defines Israeli Parenting?, generated a lively discussion. Lack of manners among Israeli children came up again and again. Please also read this response by Ruth: Anglo Immigrants: Arbiters of Social Rightness?. Yesterday someone named named Trudy left the following comment: We … [Read more...]
Israel Playdate Etiquette
Let's talk playdate etiquette. I was taught never to invite myself to someone's house, but in Israel it's okay for a kid to call and ask if she can come over. Playdates never start before 4 PM and usually later, even though school is usually over at 1 PM. Bamba or some other snack food is … [Read more...]
Tips for Helping an 18-Month-Old Adjust to Daycare
Thank you to readers, old and new, for your thoughtful answers to my question about Israeli parenting. If you haven't been following the discussion I suggest taking a look. Now I'd like help with ideas for a reader and mother of four returning to the working world: Any tips on how to make this … [Read more...]
What Defines Israeli Parenting?
A journalist for an American magazine sent me questions for an article on parenting styles around the world. I know Israeli parents are not homogeneous, but please help me out. How are Israeli parents different from parents in other countries? What makes them unique? I already plan to mention … [Read more...]
Mothering Alone vs. Co-Parenting
I received this thoughtful email from a young mother with three children aged 4, 2 and 3 months: I really enjoy all your advice and tips. You help me appreciate that all mothers go through more or less the same ups and downs and we can provide so much support for each other. I was wondering if … [Read more...]
The Walking Schoolbus
This morning on the radio, a father from Kiryat Ono was interviewed about a project in his school called Ha-Otobus Hamehalech, or the walking bus. Instead of having each parent walk, or more likely drive, their children to school each day, parents formed a cooperative to walk large groups of … [Read more...]
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