Brother-in-law quoted in WSJ and a family party game

My brother-in-law wrote his report about our annual Chanukah party here. He has to be nice, because he knows I read his blog. (I even send him the occasional unsolicited suggestion.) It was my idea to blog about the dancing on the side of the road.Aaron was quoted today in the Wall Street Journal, … [Read more...]

Guest Post: Miracles of Motherhood

I've "known" Barbara for years, as the only other Jew on a message board we frequented. I didn't realize she had been reading this blog until she left a comment on the pizzeria post. I knew she had an interesting story, so I asked her to share. It's not only miraculous. It shows how a proactive and … [Read more...]

Why Formula Marketing in Israeli Hospitals is Bad for Babies

My post on Green Prophet yesterday turned out different than expected:Why Baby's First Gift Shouldn't Be Formula from the HospitalBy Hannah KatsmanSoft drinks. Fast foods. Cigarettes.Companies that market these products are well-known for targeting children and teens in order to develop “brand … [Read more...]

Some Chanukah links

Chanukah Sameach! My camera is broken and I'm too lazy to scour the net, so you will have to manage without the traditional picture. As compensation I present some links.Standing Together has ideas for supporting Israeli soldiers this holiday.Breeding Imperfection shares a sad tale of allergy and … [Read more...]

Updated: Lessons for Life: Rude Pizzeria Owner Lambasted on Internet

Who could imagine that a rude storekeeper would attract such attention in our little country, never admired for its warm customer service?According to financial magazine Globes, a woman came with her autistic child into a pizza store for a lesson in practical living, giving him a 20-shekel bill and … [Read more...]

Bamba not related to mysterious deaths of toddlers

Over the last few weeks, four toddlers have gotten ill and died suddenly of mysterious causes. Two children remain hospitalized; one is recovering and one is still in intensive care. The Health Ministry debated over whether to announce that they are investigating the deaths as they didn't want to … [Read more...]

Breastfeeding and Judaism: Why Moses’ Mother Didn’t Put Bottles into the Ark of Bulrushes

Below is the first post in my series on breastfeeding for the Israeli environmental blog Green Prophet. The Torah doesn’t talk much about breastfeeding, as it was taken for granted in ancient times. Moses’ mother doesn’t put bottles into the ark of bulrushes she sends down the Nile to save him from … [Read more...]

Diane Wiessinger in Israel

Diane Wiessinger is a La Leche League Leader in Albany, New York, and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). In her classic essay Watch Your Language, she explains how we undermine breastfeeding by speaking about its "advantages." She is also known for her creativity in … [Read more...]

Teen Locked in Apartment; Parents Unconcerned

A reader sent me the following story: Two days ago my daughter L's 8th grade class returned from a field trip at 9:00 PM, so they let the girls come in late the next day. An hour or so before L had to leave, her friend M called her. M was locked in her house! (Most locks in Israel need to be opened … [Read more...]

Reading the "Little House" books

I've been reading the Little House series of books to my seven-year-old son Y. He loves them, even the rather slow descriptions of the prairie landscape in The House on Plum Creek.I remember a discussion on a Jewish blog about whether the description of killing and cooking a pig in the first book, … [Read more...]