Mama tagged me for the eight things meme. Even though I did it already and I'm still too jet-lagged to blog properly, below is a variation.I flew through Frankfurt (a decrepit airport, similar to Ben Gurion before they rebuilt it). When my 3.5yo heard that we were flying toward Germany, she … [Read more...]
My kids and cooperation
Sephardi Lady asked me here whether I overestimate or underestimate the amount of help my kids can give. It seems that they always have plenty of time to read, go on the computer and play with friends, and study occasionally, so I guess they are not overworked. I suspect they would not agree! Of … [Read more...]
Wikler on Cooperation
I like this article from Aish about cooperation from children because the author, Meir Wikler, expects children to help out as a matter of course. We shouldn't need to give prizes or even stickers to our children every time they help us, nor inflict a "consequence," even a "natural" one, on our … [Read more...]
My Answers
Raggedy Mom pointed out that I didn't answer all of the questions myself. I'm glad I waited to read the other responses as they helped me clarify my own thoughts. For married women, do you dress by the same standards as you did when you got married? Yes, as I mentioned in the original … [Read more...]
Before and after: A teenage moment
The other day, my 15-year-old son's teacher caught him studying for a math test during the gemara shiur (Talmud class). He threatened not to let him take the math test, but my son asked if he could think of a different punishment. The teacher said, "Get a haircut and we'll talk." My silver-tongued … [Read more...]
Help for Parents of Teenagers: Interview with Rabbi Daniel Schonbuch
Today we'll give babies and toddlers a rest and look at how to help our teens navigate adolescence. I've learned from personal experience that nagging and power struggles don't work. Even if such tactics result in the desired behavior, they our effectiveness in guiding teens through these critical … [Read more...]
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