I was listening to the Aliyah Revolution radio show as linked to from a comment on the Aliyah Blog. While discussing the economics of aliyah, the host and his guest gave an unrealistic view of daycare expenses in Israel.The host stated that daycare costs even more than university, but is still … [Read more...]
Gananot on little brothers and sisters
Another truth known to all Israeli gananot (preschool teachers) is that younger siblings should never be brought to a party in the gan. One ganenet actually sent home a poem with a story about a boy who was so upset because instead of watching him sing and dance, the mother was occupied with the … [Read more...]
Telemarketing in Israel
Just about every day we get unsolicited calls falling into three categories: telemarketers, surveys, and charitable organizations. I have found that the best way to get rid of telemarketers is not to give them a chance to talk. One of my children once asked me, "Why do you always say, 'Lo … [Read more...]
Controlling Children, Controlling Ourselves
Anshel's wife (blog taken over by spam) had a hard day. She asks, "What do you do when your kids don't act the way you want them to act?" A very good question, although I might rephrase it, "How do you get your kids to want to act the way you want them to act?" The short answer is that it's not … [Read more...]
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