Veiled Women in Beit Shemesh Grocery Store

Rafi of Life in Israel took these pictures at a grocery store in Beit Shemesh today, and generously allowed me to post them. (You can see his post here). The woman is not the only one taking on extra layers; Rafi reports that the man accompanying her, presumably her husband, is wearing at least … [Read more...]

More on Hyper-tzniut: Shawl-Wearer Spotted in Borough Park

When I started this blog I never dreamed I would write so much about clothes and tzniut. But since I learned about hyper-tzniut, I've become a bit obsessed with the topic. Y-Love from Jewlicious spotted a super-modest woman in Borough Park: For the first time, I saw one of the followers of veil … [Read more...]

Israeli Fashions for Religious Women

My town has seen a proliferation of stores catering to religious women; I am sharing some highlights with my loyal readers. For the first few years after I made aliyah, the only colors in women's clothes were beige, brown, and gray. Then things improved, and for a season or two you could find … [Read more...]

Links on Hyper-Tzniut

Decisions, decisions, Trilcat, Jewcy, Failed Messiah, Thanbook,, DrSavta, Shiloh Musings, Garnel Ironheart, Haemtza, Samurai Mohel, Wolfish Musings, Jewess, and Lilith, Jewlicious, JacobdaJew, Rafi, Miriam, and Tikkun Olam. If that's still not enough for you, new arrival Baila hosts … [Read more...]

Keren Interview VII: Ann: Soon men will insist on capes and veils for their wives

In this Hebrew article from Maariv, Neshot Hare'alah (Women of the Veil), Sherry Makover-Balikov interviews Rabbanit Bruria Keren and some of her followers. Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII To view all posts on the subject at once click the label hyper-tzniut. The Maariv reporter … [Read more...]

Keren Interview V: Miriam compromises by leaving one eye uncovered

Miriam, 32, mother of six, is a Breslover baalat teshuva (returnee to observant Judaism) and a follower of Rabbanit Bruria Keren. She wears 5 skirts, two capes, seven scarves, and a veil angled to cover one eye. She uses the other eye to see in front of her, because she is disgusted by the idea of … [Read more...]

Part IV: The reason for the layers of clothing

The next section of the article is entitled, "Why is it necessary to wrap oneself in so many layers?" This is the fourth part of the translation/summary of the Hebrew Maariv article by Sherry Makover-Balikov where the journalist interviews Rabbanit Bruria Keren and her followers. Parts I, II, … [Read more...]

Keren Interview III: She burned her wig in front of everyone: Maariv Keren Article Part 3

The following is a continuation of the translation/summary of Hebrew Maariv article by Sherry Makover-Balikov where the journalist interviews Rabbanit Bruria Keren and her followers. Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII To view all posts on the subject at once click the label hyper-tzniut. The … [Read more...]

Keren Interview II: A little child shall lead them?

Hebrew Maariv article by Sherry Makover-Balikov Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII To view all posts on the subject at once click the label hyper-tzniut. Highlights of the next section of the interview with Rabbanit Keren: She doesn't speak to men at all, and rarely to women; during the … [Read more...]

Maariv interviews Rabbanit Keren and some veiled women

In this Hebrew article from Maariv, Neshot Hare'alah (Women of the Veil), Sherry Makover-Balikov interviews Rabbanit Bruria Keren and some of her followers. Parts I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII To view all posts on the subject at once click the label hyper-tzniut. Makover-Balikov attends the … [Read more...]