Mama tagged me for the eight things meme. Even though I did it already and I’m still too jet-lagged to blog properly, below is a variation.
- I flew through Frankfurt (a decrepit airport, similar to Ben Gurion before they rebuilt it). When my 3.5yo heard that we were flying toward Germany, she announced, “Germans are bad. I don’t want to go to Germany and see any bad Germans.” I suspect that an older sibling who did not go on this trip coached her.
- She loves attention. Today while my father, sons and brothers were having an animated conversation, she commanded “everyone to stop talking.”
- We arrived at 1:00 PM on Erev Tisha B’Av. Despite this, the fast went smoothly.
- My sister’s housekeeper, who also cares for our father, washed and pressed all of the “nine days” laundry we had shlepped from Israel.
- On Tisha B’Av, my husband reported that my almost 6yo had a fever and spots since the morning. Chickenpox was confirmed by the doctor the next day. Am I a bad mother for being glad that it started after I left? My 13yo cared for him when my husband worked, and he’s feeling okay.
- I strongly suspect that my 3.5yo, who has so far shown no symptoms of the virus, will get it a day or two before my scheduled return (after the two-week incubation period). The rest are immune.
- On this trip, my 15.5 yo showed his true personality: the curious, charming and cooperative human who had been hiding under that teenage veneer.
- I met Raggedy Mom and Ariella! RM was kind enough to host us for the too-short visit, and I got to see the Raggedy kids and Ariella’s youngest. I look forward to returning the favor (and hosting other bloggers) in the near future.
What about the cholent test?
number 1 proves you are jewish
I guess it is “either or”. Because you are good at jewish geogrophy, you can get away with not eating cholent!
Nice meme interesting
Wow, it must have took some serious detective work to find those allergens!
You’d have fun talking to my wife… (1)
but what about #8?
Ari, I hope my kids won’t have shidduch problems because of this post. . .
Welcome back, and refuah shelaima for the kids who have/might have the Chicken Pox.
Both my husband and I are Yekkes. When my son (now 15) was about 4, he thought the word “German” was a synonym for “delicious”. As in “German Pancake”, “German potatoes”, or just “Oh, that’s a German recipe…”
We figured this out when he tried cocoa-powder in his milk for the first time, and said, “I want more of the German milk.”
Confused, I asked him why he thought chocolate milk was German.
He replied, “It’s very, very German to me. It’s more German than regular milk. You put the German powder in my milk and made it taste German…”
Funny thing was, I used Dutch processed cocoa!
JF–thank you! Cute story.
SL–too bad; I hope your project is progressing.
Usually I do not want to go to NY. This time, I’m sad I’m stuck with the project of the century here at home, unable to travel.
So glad you’ve traveled safely.
Let me tell you about being a bad mom: if you are a bad mom for being fine with being gone with the chicken pox hit, then you will have a lot of company. đŸ™‚
Or, we’ll just convince you that you are not a bad mom.
And I hope we get to meet next August too.
welcome home.
“My sister’s housekeeper, who also cares for our father, washed and pressed all of the “nine days” laundry we had shlepped from Israel.”
and i complain about having to shlep my dirty laundry across brooklyn to my mother-in-law in boro park
happy tu be-av!
Thanks, Jill.
Ari, this isn’t my home. THanks for the links. MH hospital is known by pediatric hospitals for the infections routinely contracted by newborns.
I’m so glad you and Ariella came over! It was great meeting you both! And I agree, next blog meeting on your side of the Atlantic!
Sounds like a great trip!
It was good of you to take the trip over with the bus and train to get back.
It must be nice to have someone else take care of all the laundry that piles up. I did do one load the first week, though. My two youngest are young enough to still have wash done for them, though I did manage to get through chol hamoed with no washing at all.
Welcome back! Sounds like your trip was a good one, and how fun that you got to meet some blog friends in person!
sounds like a nice trip
You had no control over the chicken pox.