Shanah Tovah 5771

A shofar made from a ram's horn is traditional...
Image via Wikipedia

Check out the Rosh Hashanah Survival Guide for a last minute checklist.

The beginning of the new year is a time to review and reassess. One son finished his advanced army training and is scheduled to be on leave from Rosh Hashanah until Yom Kippur. “But don’t count on anything,” he told me, “from now on I have no schedule.” My other soldier son is nearly done with training, and scheduled to be on the Egyptian border for Rosh Hashanah, on the base for Yom Kippur, and home for Sukkot—or most of it. It’s like a revolving door around here.

With two good-natured teens at home and my youngest children in second and fourth grade, life is (relatively) calmer. My 9-year-old learned how to ride a bike, something I thought he’d never do, and the youngest is taking music lessons. They walk home together from school. If you’re having a hard time preparing for the holiday with small children, I’m sure you’ve heard this before but it really does get easier. Eventually you’ll be able to sit in shul too—sometimes you might wish you still had such a good excuse!

My blogs (A Mother in Israel and CookingManager.Com) are also  “babies” in that they also require care and maintenance. I could not keep them up without the help and encouragement of readers and fellow bloggers, and while there are too many to name, a few people have been especially supportive. These are the friends who send corrections and suggestions, and give advice or preview a post when I am not sure I have the tone right. (When I don’t get it right, it’s my own fault.) Thank you Yosefa, Yonit, Risa, Abbi, Trilcat, Leora, Ilana-Davita, Fern, Miriam,  Kate, Mrs. S., Baila, Robin, Ariela, Rafi, Jameel, DevoK, N and S.

I also appreciate the many readers who comment and share whether via the blogs, Facebook, Twitter and email including Regular Anonymous, Batya, observer, Ariella,  Shoshana,  SheinPT, Annie, Julie, Leah P., Ingathered, Lion of Zion, Nurse Yachne, Tziona, Bookish Ima, Tesyaa, Jennie, Minnesota Mamaleh, Marksofla, Victoria, Aviva-Hadas, ima2seven, Mrs. Belogski, Mrs. Anna T., Miriam, waysofzion, kerith, AR, RivkA, Menucha, Tzipora, Tikva, Erika, Betzalel, Ita, Kelli, Ms. Krieger, TDR, Sephardi Lady, and a few others I’m sure I’ve forgotten. And if you’ve never commented, now would be a good time to introduce yourself.

Despite the sensitive topics, you’ve helped keep the discussion civil and supportive, and have set me straight when I needed it.  I have learned so much from your knowledge, experience, and sensitivity.

May all of you and your families, and all the Jewish people, be inscribed in the Book of Life for a year of peace, health, and prosperity.  Shana tova.


  1. Shanah Tovah Umetukah and Ktiva Vechatimah Tovah to you, your family, to all the readers, and to all the rest of klal yisrael.

  2. Shana Tova, ktiva vechatima tova to you and yours. Hope you continue to see much ‘nachass’ from your family!
    (What an honor to be mentioned along with such esteemed friends!)

  3. Shana tova to you and your family, may this be a year of love, joy and much naches for you all.

    Thank you too for all you do to enrich my life. It’s always a pleasure to come here and visit with you.

    My photography is available for purchase – visit Around the Island Photography and bring home something beautiful today!

  4. I just went to your blog to put a comment on your last post wishing you a shana tova when I saw this. Your wishes were beautifully put and I also wish you and your family the best for the new year.

    Thanks for always putting up intersting and thought-provoking posts. I don’t always comment, but always enjoy them…

  5. Thanks for the link!

    Shanah tovah u’metukah and ktivah v’chatimah tovah to you and your family!

  6. Thanks for your kind words. I am lucky to count you as a friend and as someone who inspires my blogging activity.
    Shanah Tovah Umetukah and Ktiva Vechatimah Tovah to you and your family.

  7. Shana tova! May your babies (your blogs) continue to grow. May your real life children continue to bring you nachat and more. May all our friendships blossom and continue to inspire and support us all.

  8. Shana tova, Hannah!

  9. Oh, did I need that little reminder about the little-kid days – now I’m smiling. How do you always know how to do that? Wishing you a shannah tovah u-metukah. May all your babies (the human and blog kind) continue to grow, thrive, and bring smiles to many!

  10. Ima in Texas says

    Shana Tova u metukah to you and yours. I frequently read your blog, but have never commented:)

  11. BS”D

    Thank you for all the interesting reads you have give me! I wish you and your dear ones a sweet new year!

  12. Shanah Tovah Umetukah!!!!!

    Faço parte de uma comunidade na Cidade de Alagoinhas-Ba (Brasil) que se chama Tabernáculo Profético Hesedh e quero desejar a todos, em especial os Judeus, um feliz ano novo!!!! que Hashem nos dê um próspero ano novo! hoje estaremos comemorando em nossa comunidade a chegada do ano 5771. Um grande abraço a todos os Judeus.

  13. In a happy coincidence, I accidentally ( a random mistaken click while trying to negotiate my new iPad) found your blog recently. I had also just developed a fascination with Israel, and you have become my font of all knowledge and wisdom.
    No pressure at all!

  14. I’m taking you up on your offer to introduce myself. I have read your Mother In Israel blog for a while and have commented some, but I think I should let you know that I have enjoyed your comments and appreciate what you are doing.

    L’shana tova to you and everyone who is a regular…