Jameel at the Muqata writes about the multi-level "pyramid" scheme used to market Agel, an overpriced and unproven vitamin supplement. The highest-level marketers have made a lot of money, but hundreds at the bottom will lose their investment unless they can convince enough others to invest and … [Read more...]
“Ma, We Live in a Slum”
When my husband's aunt and uncle made aliyah from the US in the 60's, they spent a few years in Bnei Brak. That first morning, one of the children noticed laundry hanging outside some nearby buildings. "Ma," he said, "We live in a slum." A reader of my post, Twelve Things I Love about Israel, … [Read more...]
Unofficial Guide to Pesach Shopping in Israel
When my aunt first shopped for Pesach after making aliyah, she was excited by the huge assortment of kosher for Passover products. When Pesach was over, she learned that all those products contained kitniyot (legumes), which Ashkenazi (European) Jews avoid on Pesach. Israel has a much larger … [Read more...]
Kicking Ourselves in the Foot: Guide to Choosing a Religious Elementary School in Israel
It's that time of year, when parents are running around applying to elementary school. Most families only make the decision with their oldest, so they must consider carefully. In the religious Zionist school system, grade school options generally include: a) Government-sponsored, public … [Read more...]
The Number One Reason for Making Aliyah
Having just finished two days of marathon eating and praying on Rosh Hashana, I am so grateful that we don't have to do this very often. So in honor of the new year, and to give chizuk (encouragement) to our struggling olim chadashim (new immigrants), here's a comparison of the holidays in Israel … [Read more...]
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