Part 1: When Does Chinuch Begin? There is a direct connection between the type of parenting and child spacing. When the baby stays with his mother day and night, nurses on cue without bottles and pacifiers, starts solids gradually at about six months, and spends a good deal of his time either … [Read more...]
“Don’t You Have More Love for a Child than That?”
I just received the following anonymous comment on my post What's Your Excuse? Leaving children alone, revisited: Hi. I just came across your blog by accident, but then again maybe it wasn't an accident. I just returned from a 12 day trip to Israel with a tour group. I love Israel and the Israeli … [Read more...]
Thought-Provoking Parenting Book
Last summer I attended a lecture by Dr. Gordon Neufeld, a Canadian psychologist and co-author of Hold On to Your Kids.. This book radically changed the way I look at our culture and our families. I recently reread it and it's even more powerful the second time. I can't possibly do justice to it in a … [Read more...]
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