Video: Tuned-Out by Technology

Call over your teens and pre-teens to watch this excellent video about Facebook and a “tuned-out” family. Even if you have limited Hebrew, you’ll understand 90%.  The scenes at the dinner table and at the end are especially good. It’s produced by girls from the Lehave religious high school in Kedumim. My teen daughter saw it in school.

They’re teaching kids a lot about Facebook in school. When my seven-year-old daughter saw me on Facebook recently, she warned me about cyber-bullying and identity theft.

The title, Kevalim Moderniim, means modern cables. In Hebrew, the word cables suggests being tied up in ropes.

Of course, as soon as I watched it I shared it on Facebook.

You may also enjoy:

Cyber-Bullying, Teens and Facebook

No Market for Used Teenagers

A Creative Solution for Unruly Teens

Photo credit (thumbnail): DeclanTM


  1. Wow. That was excellent. It’s why I scheduled “no computer, no TV, no i-Pod” Mondays and try to limit it on other days. I have to admit it’s a struggle, but so worth it.

  2. About 6 months ago we disconnected from cable, and instead bought a 5m vga cable which we attached to the computer (dual screen configuration). At first there were complaints but on the whole the kids realize they have more time and more flexibility to see what they want when they want from the internet.

  3. we’re not great about it, but at least at meals, all electronics are out of sight/out of mind. And there’s always Shabbat.

  4. my daughter in 7th grade came home and told me that many of the girls in her class are on facebook. I find that scary! We don’t let our kids use the internet, except with a VERY heavy-duty filter. I want my kids hanging out on the internet, including facebook, about as much as I want them hanging out in a dark alleyway in brooklyn.

  5. That’s so cute. Although part of me has a feeling that she was listening into a higher class in school… seven year olds usually don’t use facebook!

  6. this is my daughter’s high school and my neighbor’s daughter produced. they actually filmed in my house for this but according to maor that footage is on the cutting floor. maor also told me that it won an award:

  7. 4daughters says

    This is exactly what I am fighting in my house. I limit computer time, reject digital toys, don’t allow my girls Facebook accounts and they know that we have the passwords to the their e-mail accounts. Dinner time is just family and their are encouraged to socialize and read for entertainment. Unfortunately, they see me as the big, bad mother cuz everyone else is allowed.